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‘Atlanta’ Season 2 will film in the Fall

Donald Glover’s Atlanta premiered this year and fans are awaiting season 2.

Brian Tyree Henry who plays Alfred Miles on the show, confirmed to EW that they will, in fact, begin filming this fall.

“We’re gonna start in September, actually, and we’re going to crank it out,” he said.

He adds, “What I do hope is that we continue to show these characters growing together, continue to show these characters having fun together, continue to show these characters that are trying to make it, and I really hope that the viewers relate to that. I hope that y’all have as much fun as we did when we made it, that it’s still received the same way if not more. All we can do is go and play and really tell these stories, but we have no idea what’s coming up.”

The episodes will not air though, until 2018.

Glover is also currently involved in The Live action Lion King remake, the Han Solo movie, and the Deadpool animated series.

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