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We’re as in love with Paxton as Jeffrey Dean Morgan after his Latest Twitter Video

Sometimes, the world of celebrity news can be exhausting, sometimes it can be dramatic but other times it can be just the thing that puts on a smile on your face and warms your heart right up. As we caught up on social media this afternoon we saw a tweet from Jeffrey Dean Morgan that made us smile so big here at Fan Fest HQ.

What tweet? Well, if you looked at his account this weekend, you probably already know what we’re talking about and if you haven’t, be prepared. Paxton, Jeffrey’s new donkey, is a cuddler. We almost can’t handle how cute he really is. (Did you wonder for a second if we meant Paxton or Jeffrey? We mean both).

Okay, so we’ve seen Jeffrey as some pretty heartwarming ‘people’ through his career. From Denny on Grey’s Anatomy to William in P.S I Love You (among others) he’s completely stolen our hearts, but his best role by far is the role he plays in his own life – just being himself.

When you hear about our conventions or any convention Jeffrey attends, you hear only the best things about him. He cares about his fans, he takes the time to make sure everyone who meets him feels like they’re visiting an old friend, and he’s incredibly charming.

He’s also an incredible dad, partner to Hilarie, and man on the farm. Hilarie and his son brought home some new ‘kids’ for Jeffrey on fathers day and one of them was pregnant. We told you last week that Paxton had been born and Jeffrey posted an adorable photo wit him. However, it got even better when Jeffrey posted a video of the pair cuddling on Saturday.

We hope Jeffrey and the family are enjoying time on the farm with the new animals!

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