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Chris Hardwick Posted the best Emmy Selfie on Instagram

When it comes to award shows, everything from the awards themselves to the red carpet appearances and behind the scenes selfies catches the attention of fans all across social media. There are streaming parties online, hashtags so viewers around the world can share their opinions together, and a mass influx of the best photos shared on social media all through the evening.

One of those selfies came from one of our favorite guys in the business, Chris Hardwick. Come to think of it, he always takes awesome selfies, so we really aren’t surprised.

Hardwick has a pretty awesome thing going and his selfie from the Emmys last night further solidified that. Not only was he sat with The Walking Dead family, they all looked like they were having a blast. Then again, who wouldn’t be? We know we wouldn’t pass up a chance to sit with the cast of our favorite series.

His caption was great too, he fully took on responsibility for blocking his stunning wife, Lydia Hearst’s, head but gave her the shout out anyway – so we all knew she was there!

Sonequa, Kenric, Hilarie, Jeffrey, and Chris all look stunning with massive smiles – with good reason. They’re all connected with one of the biggest shows on television – amongst other incredible projects – and, well, they’re incredible all around.

What is your favorite selfie from the Emmys last night? Did Hardwick’s make the top of your list, too? Let us know.