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These new ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ TV Spots are Intense

While Avengers: Infinity War has been the talk of the entertainment industry for months, it’s all-encompassing now as the film hits theaters next week. From interviews (or…discussions with cast members where we don’t really learn anything about the movie) to new tv spots, you can’t miss some type of promo for the film.

On GMA this morning, Anthony Mackie brought with him a clip of Avengers: Infinity War which shows an incredible fight scene between Captain America, Black Widow, some of Thanos’ Black Order and none other than Falcon himself, coming in with a kick.


This next video shows two new tv spots. One highlights Thanos and his menacing voiceovers while the other shows more footage of Spider-Man than we’ve yet seen.

There’s also an incredible spot we’ve seen floating around social media with Amazing Grace playing alongside a lot of previously seen footage. However, this one sends chills down your spine.

We’re not crying, okay, yeah…we’re crying.

Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters on April 27th