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The Walking Dead: Tomorrow, You Can Watch the Season 10 Finale – Here’s How

Good news for fans of The Walking Dead! Tomorrow, you can watch the Season 10 Finale, now known as The Walking Dead Special Event.  Currently, the Season 10 Special Event is set to air on October 4 at 8 p.m. But you can get ahead of everyone else!

The Season 10 Special Event is expected to be a climactic and Game of Thrones like battle that will be bigger than anything we’ve ever seen on the show. The episode is titled, “A Certain Doom.” With an forewarning title like that, you can certainly expect that one, if not several, characters will die in the episode.

You can purchase early access to the episode and also be able to stream all past episodes of The Walking Dead for just $4.99 monthly or $29.49 for an annual subscription via

The episode has perfect balance of dramatic character moments, action, and a couple of laughs built in for levity. Seth Gilliam provides one of his finest performance as Father Gabriel.  As well, the episode deviates just enough from the same story in the comic book to keep fans of the comics and the show off balance and able to be satisfied with the outcome of the episode.

The Walking Dead is sitting in a strong position as it heads for the finish line.  After a couple of dismal seasons, Kang has brought the show back to its strengths and sets it up to end in a fashion that fans are again excited about.

AMC confirmed an eleventh season of The Walking Dead.  However, with the pandemic preventing filming from starting, the show has modified its current schedule and is adding 6 more episodes to extend Season 10.  These episodes will air sometime in early 2021.

What are you looking forward to the most about the Season 10 Special Event of The Walking Dead? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

4 thoughts on “The Walking Dead: Tomorrow, You Can Watch the Season 10 Finale – Here’s How

  1. Without Rick TWD is Broke. RICK IS TWD FOREVER it will never be Epic Unless they get Rick, Daryl, Carol, Michion, And Judith BACK TOGETHER. surviving , FIGHTING . running, living threw ZOMBIES, and scavengers.THIS IS WHAT FANS WANT we made u all Listen spend your money on what we watched to make u everything *TWD* THE ORIGINAL not a bunch of side shows . And please don’t make Daryl and Carols series A comedy please. A fadding fan.

  2. Even though I already subscribe to AMC, there is never any promotion available to me. Yep, I live in Canada so am an AMC Canada subscriber. It really sucks!

  3. Great, so if we just stay on social media we no one has to watch on Sunday bc it will all be exposed by then. Good Job AMC.

  4. I love love love
    Walking Dead…..lve watched from day one….and cried many tears
    I’m madly in love with Nindan sorry can sp. 2day have been since Grey s Antm.and whats going o b with Carol’s hair…plz….l

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