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See the Disney Channel Special Look at Marvel Studios’ 10 Year Celebration and ‘Avengers: Infinity War’

Marvel is known for many things, one of which is the lengths they’re willing to go to keep their MCU secrets. It’s a notion that the fandom laughs at now, things like Tom Holland not being able to read the entire script or what we assume will be the new rule that Mark Ruffalo is not allowed to have his phone near any upcoming film screenings. They’ll also be keeping an eye on Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans after some ‘Nomad’ and ‘I’m with Nomad’ autographs at conventions.

We could keep going on, but the point is, they want to allow fans to enjoy the full experience when they step into the theater, so they don’t give too much away until then. That being said, a ‘special look’ at Infinity War was teased on the Disney Channel tonight and it ended up being a collection of already viewed footage, but we can’t complain.

Also, we heard Thor scream in this one whereas before, there wasn’t a peep in that same scene, so…we did get something new.

We also got some behind the scenes looks at the MCU’s 10th-anniversary celebration, some shout outs from the cast, and that awesome cast photo set up. Oh, and there’s a competition that fans may enter and let’s just say, those prizes are all a fan of the MCU could dream of.

While we were a little bummed when there wasn’t new trailer footage, we weren’t surprised. This is the MCU’s biggest film to date, and easily one of the most anticipated films of all time. We’ll see what we see when we’re meant to. Plus, with Thanos and his desire to bring death and destruction, we’ll patiently wait to see the aftermath of that.

Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters on May 4th.