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Rick’s Full Dream Sequence will be Available on The Walking Dead’s Season 7 Blu-ray Collection

There was a bittersweet tease in season 7 of The Walking Dead when fans were able to see a dream sequence of Rick’s in the episode that will undoubtedly go down as one of the most emotionally painful to watch. It was a look into the future that Rick (and the rest of us) would have loved for the characters…there was a sense of peace and comfortability. However, it was short lived.

The dream, showing the family united as one, is something fans wished they could have seen more of, and with the Blu-ray edition of The Walking Dead‘s Season 7, they’ll have that opportunity. The footage has leaked online and while we haven’t watched it just yet, we did read the premise of the longer dream sequence.

Rick's Full Dream Sequence will be Available on The Walking Dead's Season 7 Blu-ray Collection

Spoiler – or not so spoiler alert – it’ll bring tears to your eyes.

One of the take aways from Rick’s dream is that Glenn and his son are united in a scene that warms your heart just to read about. They’re playing with a remote control car, controlled by Eugene, and Maggie comes up to play as well, before sharing a kiss with Glenn. It’s the ultimate dream.

Sasha and Abraham are still alive in the dream as well, like we saw in the short preview on the episode, but that means more now than it did before as well. The sequence also shows the table scene in more detail, with Glenn and Abraham sharing a nod at the end.

Rick’s dream is just one of the deleted scenes fans will get to see when Season 7 is available on Blu-ray and with each new piece of information we read, we’re more excited to have the copy in our own hands.

Season 7 may have been one of the most emotionally taxing, but there were moments in the struggle that allowed the characters to shine, and it all laid the ground work for the all out war that’s just there, on the horizon.