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Fan Fest Picks: Top 5 Episodes of ‘Supergirl’

Fan Fest Picks: Top 5 Episodes of Supergirl

Supergirl originally began on CBS, and is about to kick off it’s second year on The CW next Monday. In celebration of the show’s third season, fellow Arrowverse Expert Jules and I have decided to join forces and count down the 5 best episodes of Supergirl.

5. Stronger Together (Season 1, Episode 2)

Fan Fest Picks: Top 5 Episodes of 'Supergirl'
Image: CBS

Jules: I’m always in love with episodes when the superhero trains up to become who they want to be. I also loved watching the relationship between Alex and Kara get some more grounding. The episode title clearly reflects that all it takes is friendship and courage to make us ‘stronger together.’

“Resist” (Season 2, Episode 21)

Fan Fest Picks: Top 5 Episodes of 'Supergirl'
Image: The CW

Alyssa: The penultimate episode of Season 2 found Kara trying to decide between what she has been ordered to do and what her heart says. The entire season really led up to this episode and the season finale as Kara struggles to be both Supergirl and Kara. This episode also brought Cat Grant back into the fold in an incredibly snarky monologue. Her return and the Star Wars moment of Lena and Mon-El’s escape made this episode really good.

4. “Falling” (Season 1, Episode 16)

Fan Fest Picks: Top 5 Episodes of 'Supergirl'
Image: CBS

Jules: When frenemies work together, it always makes for great entertainment. After Kara was exposed to the Red Kryptonite, it forced Alex and Maxwell to form an uneasy alliance. There wasn’t a point in time during this episode when I was not on the edge of my seat. Especially that ‘reveal’ with Hank at the end!

“Alex” (Season 2, Episode 19)

Fan Fest Picks: Top 5 Episodes of 'Supergirl'
Image: The CW

Alyssa: When Alex is taken hostage, it forces Kara and Maggie to work together in order to save her life. They had never really had this much interaction together so it was interesting to see their two personalities clash. Kara and Maggie have a different method of doing things, so it leads to some great moments between the two as they struggle with the prospect of losing someone they love while also trying to keep a level head and save her. Melissa Benoist and Floriana Lima were really great in this episode, but Chyler Leigh was absolutely amazing.

3. “Better Angels” (Season 1, Episode 20)

Fan Fest Picks: Top 5 Episodes of 'Supergirl'
Image: CBS

Jules: Motivational speeches in season finales are always extremely moving for me. This episode was no different. I was absolutely in love with the fact that Kara was able to inspire the citizens of National City, and wake them from the Myriad trance. This episode also amped my ‘superhero hype’ at the very end, when we saw the pod trash outside of the city. For those of us Superman nerds, we knew exactly what that meant! It certainly amped me up for Season 2.

“For the Girl Who Has Everything” (Season 1, Episode 13)

Fan Fest Picks: Top 5 Episodes of 'Supergirl'
Image: CBS

Alyssa: Kara is trapped inside her own dream of living on Krypton when a parasite left by her loving uncle, Non, attaches itself to her. There’s so much emotion in this episode and it highlights the relationship between Kara and Alex. Their sisterhood is one thing that I absolutely love about the series, and Alex seeing Kara happy with her family is heartbreaking. Her words to Kara to wake her up are so powerful. It’s just a great, emotional episode.

2. “Nevertheless, She Persisted” (Season 2, Episode 22)

Fan Fest Picks: Top 5 Episodes of 'Supergirl'
Image: The CW

Jules: When Rhea used Silver Kryptonite to manipulate Kal’s senses so that he would be convinced that Kara was General Zod, my heart immediately began leaping in my chest. Thankfully, Kara was able to overpower him and bring him back to the Fortress where he could fully recover. It was also extremely exciting to see Kara challenge Rhea to the ‘Dakam Ur.’ It sort of reminded me of those old knights of the round table battles, where the two leaders would dual in the center in a sword fight. This episode was extremely exciting throughout, and a perfect season finale!

“World’s Finest” (Season 1, Episode 18)

Fan Fest Picks: Top 5 Episodes of 'Supergirl'
Robert Voets/Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

Alyssa: I wish Barry and Kara existed in the same universe because their dynamic is everything. I knew that Benoist and Grant Gustin’s chemistry would be great, but had no idea just how truly amazing it would be. They are adorable and hilarious when they are together, as well as a darn good team. It was a good character-building episode for Kara because up until then, she had always just run into situations without any sort of plan. She’s invincible, so who needs a plan? She learns from Barry and becomes a better hero because he showed up. That’s a good crossover team-up right there.

1. “Human for a Day” (Season 1, Episode 7)

Fan Fest Picks: Top 5 Episodes of 'Supergirl'
Image: CBS

Jules: This episode will always have an extremely special place in my heart. After fighting Red Tornado and obliterating her powers, Kara still knew that she had to help her city following the traumatic earthquake. Powers or not, she donned her Supergirl outfit and went out to try and stop a robber. She knew he could kill her, but that didn’t stop her. She proved that not all superheroes need superpowers to make a difference.

“Falling” (Season 1, Episode 16)

Fan Fest Picks: Top 5 Episodes of 'Supergirl'
Image: CBS

Alyssa: Because of her exposure to Red Kryptonite, Kara turns malicious, letting lose and telling those around her what she really feels. I always love getting to see different versions of characters, but what makes this episode my favorite is the raw emotion at the end when Kara is cured and realizes what she has done. Benoist absolutely killed it.


Honorable Mention:

“The Adventures of Supergirl” (Season 2, Episode 1)

Fan Fest Picks: Top 5 Episodes of 'Supergirl'
Image: The CW

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