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Deadpool Co-Creator Urges Hugh Jackman to Appear as Wolverine With Deadpool

The buzz over Thanksgiving week has been led by the possibility of a Deadpool/Wolverine team up and throw down. On Friday, The Deadpool co-creator Rob Liefeld added fuel to the fire.

He is totally for the team up and wants Jackman to revive the role one last time, for the fans. He wrote on instagram:

Dear @thehughjackman just checking in to reassure you per your recent comments that, yes, fans absolutely desire on the deepest possible level of affection and excitement that we can collectively muster to see you return as Wolverine alongside Ryan as Deadpool. Being in the comic business for 33 years and speaking as someone who has crafted a few memorable encounters between Logan and Wade, I can guarantee and confirm an audience and a reaction like nothing you have ever before experienced!! Wolverine is my favorite character in the history of comics, he inspired every aspect of Deadpool’s creation!! Please give some consideration to unsheathing your claws for one more glorious adventure! #wolverine #deadpool #marvel p.s. please feel free to adapt directly from Wolverine #154-155 and feature The Administrator, The Watchtower! Unapologetically and unashamedly, your pal, Rob! #BiggerthanInfinityWar #robliefeld



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Dear @thehughjackman just checking in to reassure you per your recent comments that, yes, fans absolutely desire on the deepest possible level of affection and excitement that we can collectively muster to see you return as Wolverine alongside Ryan as Deadpool. Being in the comic business for 33 years and speaking as someone who has crafted a few memorable encounters between Logan and Wade, I can guarantee and confirm an audience and a reaction like nothing you have ever before experienced!! Wolverine is my favorite character in the history of comics, he inspired every aspect of Deadpool’s creation!! Please give some consideration to unsheathing your claws for one more glorious adventure! #wolverine #deadpool #marvel p.s. please feel free to adapt directly from Wolverine #154-155 and feature The Administrator, The Watchtower! Unapologetically and unashamedly, your pal, Rob! #BiggerthanInfinityWar #robliefeld

A post shared by RobertLiefeld (@robliefeld) on

His post was spurred on by Jackman’s recent comments assuming that nobody wants this. He previous stated he doesn’t “think the world really wants to see Deadpool and Wolverine.” It’s clear now that people do want this.

As Liefeld says in his post, “Yes, fans absolutely desire on the deepest possible level of affection and excitement that we can collectively muster to see you return as Wolverine alongside Ryan as Deadpool.”

Liefeld gives a bit of storyline help as well. He thinks they should follow the All Along the Watchtower story from Wolverine #154-155. In those issues, Deadpool takes on a job which consists of going after Logan. Logan had a bounty placed on his head by a corporate cyborg, The Administrator, who hates mutants.

Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine is referenced heavily in both Deadpool films, with good humor. Ryan Reynolds has been open about his hope for the two to unite on screen as well.

The pair works together first in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. This cinematic reunion may be tough to get now that Disney + is on its way and may take all the Marvel properties from Netflix. And it’s clear it will ltake some pulling to get Jackman back on the role. It’s understandable, as Jackman gave a moving and compelling performance in Logan, which concluded Wolverine’s story and ended his life.

As of now, Deadpool will return in Once Upon a Deadpool, which hits theaters December 12th. Hugh Jackman is working on several projects including The Front Runner and The Good Spy.