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Thomas Rhett and his wife Lauren have Officially Welcomed Daughter Willa Gray into the Family

Thomas Rhett described that driving to the airport with his wife recently felt like Christmas Morning and the reason why is sweeter than you may imagine. After an adoption process that lasted for a year, Thomas and Lauren have welcomed little miss Willa Grace to their family, just weeks before they’ll be welcoming another little girl into the family as well.

Lauren added to Thomas’ sweet statement and says that their life right now feels like a dream.

‘It felt like a dream. I’ve dreamed of us all being on the same continent for so long. It finally feels like everyone is where they’re supposed to be.’

The story that Lauren, Thomas, and Willa share stands as proof that some things are just destined to happen. Lauren visited the country of Uganda with 147 Oprhans in 2016 and on April 16th she posted a photo captioned ‘Ohhh my goodness- the LOVE I have for this one’

Thomas said he knew then that Willa was meant to be part of their family. The pair began the adoption process soon after but it’s no easy journey, so they kept it to themselves and hoped and prayed for the best.

Little did they know that while the pair were on a week long safari in December, Lauren would get sick and Thomas would suggest taking a pregnancy test – even though they’d stopped trying to conceive.

Lauren was so sure that the results would be negative that she took a test when Thomas was at the gym, however, she was with their friends, Tyler – from Florida Georgia Line, and his wife Hayley. The three ran to find Tyler and told him the news.

“I was in complete and utter shock! No one is ever prepared for something like that. It is almost like we suddenly had twins.”

On February 15h, Thomas and Lauren revealed to everyone that they were pregnant AND adopting. Looks like Thomas’ feelings were right all along, both about Willa belonging in their family and Lauren expecting.

Willa is home with her family for their first full day together after bringing her to the US safely on Thursday and Thomas and Lauren gave People an exclusive. They also shared their happy news with social media this afternoon and we are so ecstatic for their growing family.

We are happy for the family and hope they’re all doing well.

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