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‘Sons of Anarchy’ Spin-Off ‘Mayans MC’ will Undergo Reshoots and Recasting

Anyone who is familiar with the work of the brilliantly twisted mind of Kurt Sutter knows that, if something is not working on one of his projects, he’s going to do whatever it takes to make sure it gets corrected.  Sutter takes great pride in every project he helms so, it would come as no surprise to his fans when news broke that the Sons of Anarchy Mayans spin-off series was about to undergo some changes.

Earlier this week, several news outlets reported that the Mayans spin-off series is heading for massive re-shoots and even some changes within the casting.  While specific details regarding the changes have not yet been revealed, it’s not totally uncommon for something like this to happen during filming and production.

In addition to the reshoots and recasting, a new director/executive producer was chosen to join Sutter and co-executive producer Elgin James in order to help reshape the series pilot episode.  Norberto Barba (Grimm, The Strain, Preacher) will take on the project going forward.

The pilot for Mayans MC (a reoccurring MC club on the original SOA series) is set to take place after the events which occurred in the Sons of Anarchy finale.  The series will follow Mayans prospect EZ Reyes through his struggles and desire for revenge against the drug cartel while attempting to earn the respect from the women he loves.

Sutter fans know that the news of reshoots and recasting doesn’t necessarily mean it’s all gloom and doom for the series but, Sutter is making sure that message is clear to everyone.  On Wednesday, he tweeted, “This was the process for SOA. Shows Fox/FX’s commitment to series. Allows me and Elgin to improve cast, script, and direction! #MayansMC”

Don’t worry, Kurt.  We completely trust you and your creative process and can’t wait to see the Mayans MC series when it does premiere!

'Sons of Anarchy' Spin-Off 'Mayans MC' will Undergo Reshoots and Recasting


Source: Entertainment Weekly

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