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Sharon Stone Confirms She Has Role in Marvel Film

Sharon Stone appeared on The Late Late Show with James Corden and hinted that she might appear in an upcoming film, but not just any film, a Marvel film.

“I am going to do a Marvel movie, I’m just doing a wee part in a Marvel movie, upcoming, and I can’t tell, because you know, you have to sign confidentiality agreements. But I’m going to do a wee part in a Marvel movie now. That’s it.”

Very interesting Sharon. Some have guessed that she is referring to X-Men, but others are taking her word “wee” to
heart. They think she is going to be in Ant Man and the Wasp.

Film critic Christopher Campbell tweeted in agreeance Monday.

Marvel did not comment when asked by EW.

Of course she could also have roles in Thor:  Ragnarok, Spider-Man: Homecoming, or Captain Marvel.

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