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Norman Reedus explains his ‘fun, weird, creepy’ motorcycle show

We didn’t see much of Daryl on his motorcycle this season on The Walking Dead but Norman Reedus will have his fill of bikes to choose from when he debuts his new show Ride With Norman Reedus.

The six episode series, which follows the host and a different riding companion in a different city each week as they travel to a destination and explore motorcycle culture along the way.

“It’s not a gearhead show where we’re talking about this and that… There’s a little bit of that, but it’s more of a journey. I take a person and
we go on a journey, and we experience things together. They show me their town on motorcycles, and we explore new towns on motorcycles. It’s been a real gypsy-esque adventure that’s just a ton of fun.” – Reedus.

So where does the fun, weird, and creepy aspects come in?

“It’s really interesting to me to take someone and go on a ride with them and find out what that person is about, just because of the situations that we put ourselves in. Some are fun. Some are weird. Some are a little creepy, and it’s just been so much fun for me. It’s such an interesting concept, the way we’re doing it.” – Reedus.

This show is going to take a different approach to filming.

“We spread them out so that we can hit all these different locations and not be rushed and have a really good time. And it’s really
thought out — where we’re going and who we’re meeting and the rides that we’re taking. So we spread them out so that we can do the best job possible.” – Reedus.

As for the bikes?

“We already have a few motorcycle companies and can swap our bikes for different terrain and stuff. We’re going to explore a little bit. It’s kind of a man on a tour and on a journey, but it’s also different horses for different areas. Whatever bike is best for that space and that time frame and that rider too. We’ll have certain riders that only want to ride a certain type of bike and other riders that are down to ride whatever we put them on. We’ll switch it up quite a bit.” – Reedus.

Things seem to be coming up Norman nowadays. With Daryl Dixon, a new movie and now a motorcycle show, things are going pretty well.

“It’s kind of a dream job. I’ve got two dream jobs going at the same time. I’m waiting for something bad to happen. My luck is too good. I’m just going to do it and have fun and hopefully people will like it as much as I do shooting it.” – Reedus.

Norman’s movie Sky is now in theaters, The Walking Dead returns in October, and Ride With Norman Reedus will premiere June 12.

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