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Michael Bay talks about the future of the ‘Transformers’ franchise

Transformers: The Last Knight rolls into theaters with early screenings starting at 7 tonight, and fans who know that this will be the last film for Bay have been wondering what exactly the future of the franchise will be.

Even though Bay will not be returning to direct a future installment, he recently reassured fans in an interview with Fandango that the franchise will continue to live on:

“But the reason I wanted to do a number five, because we had a writer’s room that I kind of asked for about two years ago. We got twelve great writers together and they kind of created a viable way the universe could go. Spielberg and I liked a couple of stories. We merged them together and that’s what created number five.”

Bay also revealed earlier this year that there were over a dozen potential films in development. In the same interview, Bay stated that The Last Knight was designed to set the stage for the future of the series:

“If you watch it closely there are a lot of ways that this movie can go from here. So it’s basically like a launching board for wherever the series will continue.”

We already known that we can expect the Bumblebee movie, which will begin filming later this year. One thing that Bay has hinted at in the past is that he would consider returning for one of the spin-off’s in the franchise.

When he spoke with MTV at CinemaCon about the potential 12 in-development movies he stated:

“I would like to do one of them,”

So perhaps we have not seen the last of Michael Bay; but only time will tell.


Transformers: The Last Knight arrives in theaters on June 21, 2017.

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