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Johnny Galecki Sends Thanks to Firefighters after House Burns Down

Johnny Galecki’s ranch home in San Luis Obispo burned down on Monday evening. In a statement given to TMZ on Monday, Johnny said that his heart goes out to everyone in the area impacted by the fire.

My heart goes out to all in the area who are also experiencing loss from this vicious fire, the threat of which we live with constantly, which may seem crazy to some but we do so because living in our beautiful, rural area makes it worthwhile. It’s never the structures that create a community — it’s the people. And if the people of Santa Margarita have taught me anything it’s that, once the smoke has cleared, literally and figuratively, it’s a time to reach out and rebuild. We’ve done it before, and will need to do it together again, and it will make our community even closer and stronger. Endless thanks to CalFire and the Sheriff’s Office. I know you guys are fighting the good fight to keep us safe. So very relieved no one has been hurt.’

In California, The Hill Fire began as two fires that merged into one. Unfortunately, the season for wildfire in California is upon us and this one is estimated to be 1,500 acres in size currently. Luckily, Johnny is safe and mandatory evacuations are aiming to make sure no injuries happen to anyone at all.

However, he didn’t let the tragedy ruin him. Instead, he took a moment to thank the firefighters who made sure he and the rest of the people affected by the fire were safe. He also thanked everyone who has reached out to support him, the sentiment isn’t lost, he says.

Thank you to the brothers and sisters of @calfire It is the profound risks that you accept and the sacrifices you and your families make that keep us safe. Thanks also to the many of you who have reached out in support. It is far from lost on us here.#muchlove #movingforwardstronger.

As of Wednesday, the Hill Fire was 65% contained and Johnny was able to visit the location to see if he could collect any items from his home.

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