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Ed Westwick Not Interested in Reprising ‘Gossip Girl’

Gossip Girl here! Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan’s elite, and all things newsworthy. Including the possibility of our favorite characters coming back.

It would be awesome to see Serena, Blair, Nate and even Lonely Boy back on TV.

Spotted- Ed Westwick, who plays Chuck Bass, weighing in on the possibility.

“Nah, that’s not gonna happen,” he told Radio Times.

But why Chuck? Why! Despite the popularity of reprising shows on Netflix, Westwick feels it’s too soon and that he’s exhausted the character.

“I know there’s a bunch of them coming back – I hear they’re doing Will and Grace, they’ve done Gilmore Girls…” he continued. “But it’s such a strange thing to think about. It feels like we only just finished! And I haven’t done enough in between yet to feel like I could comfortably revisit it. And I did so much with that character – it’s played out, man. It’s done.”

He did, however, say that if the price was right, he’d be on board.

“I’ll do it then, hundred per cent.”

He may be ready to lock Chuck Bass away for good, but I will always hold out on the hope that maybe one day we’ll see our favorite Upper East Siders again.


Ed Westwick Not Interested in Reprising 'Gossip Girl'

I can dream, can’t I? Until next time…

You know you love me XOXO,

Gossip Girl

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