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Danvers Sisters to be the Focus of the 2017 Arrowverse Crossover

Danvers Sisters to be the Focus of the 2017 Arrowverse Crossover

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg revealed that Alex and Kara would be the heart of the four-hour crossover between Supergirl, Arrow, The Flash, and Legends of Tomorrow. Kreisberg adds:

“One of the things we’ve been doing a lot this season is getting back to season 1 and really making it Danvers sisters-centric, so a lot of what’s going on this season is Kara and Alex doing things in tandem, and the crossover won’t be any different.”

It’s been previously stated that this years crossover event will be more routed in emotion as the creative team realized just how hard it was going to be to top last years ‘Invasion’ event. Unlike previous years, characters will have some major change as a result of the four episodes. And what better way to dig into some of that emotion than focusing on family?

Kara and Alex have such a dynamic relationship and I’m glad that Supergirl is getting more inclusion in this year’s crossover as last year, as Kara was the only one who made the jump to the other shows. The question then becomes will everyone be making the jump from Earth-Prime to Earth-38, or will Earth-38 be coming to Earth-Prime? It’s exiting for Alex to finally be able to interact with the others in the Arrowverse, but what about J’onn, James, Winn, and Lena?

Greg Berlanti has teased that the crossover will be “a big life changer for a few characters.” Given what we know of the Arrowverse, this could really be applied to just about everyone as each show’s previous season finale left our characters in some not so great places. But I really think that family is going to be at the heart of it.

Since the crossover was announced as being more emotion-driven, my immediate thought was Sara and Earth-2 Laurel. They have to meet in this year’s crossover. Laurel was important to a whole lot of people in the Arrowverse, so maybe this is where Black Siren’s redemption happens. This is also where the bond between Kara and Alex comes in. Neither of them has been evil, but they could provide guidance to the fractured Lance sisters. It would also force them to take a look at their own relationship together. Who knows where the Danvers sisters will end up leading to the crossover. They could end up being at odds with each other by episode 8 of the season. From the trailer released at SDCC, it does look like Kara is taking the Oliver Queen approach and becoming a little bit more jaded, shutting everyone out.

So much speculation, and I’m chomping at the bit for more information. The crossovers, whether on a small or large scale, have always been really fun and great episodes. This year is going to be no exception, and I think we should already be preparing ourselves for an emotional four hours.

The four-way crossover event kicks off on Monday, November 27, with Supergirl and Arrow, followed by The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow on Tuesday, November 28.


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