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Chris Pratt Talks Kind MCU Welcome From Robert Downey Jr

With just 36 days until Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters, fans are embracing an incredible promo season for everything Marvel.

Some of the best promo comes in the form of cast interviews. Especially those that talk about the relationships on set.

Recently, Chris Pratt spoke about Robert Downey Jr and how he was welcomed into the MCU. It made Downey sound like the glue, like the piece that anchors everyone together. He goes completely above and beyond.

‘I was a little under the weather and pushing really hard on the days I was working. He came up to me and said, ‘You doing alright?’ I said, ‘Yeah, I’ve got a little sore throat.’ Within ten minutes there was a person here giving me all these herbs and taking care of me. He offered me the use of his trailer where I could sit down and use some of his hi-tech healing gadgets. It was amazing. I’m living my best life.’

That wasn’t the first, or the only, kind thing that Downey offered to Pratt. Since day one, Pratt has felt comfortable and like part of the most amazing team thanks to Downey’s generosity.

‘When I first arrived in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Downey was the first to call and tell me, ‘Hey man, welcome. If there’s anything you need, I will help. There are so few people on the planet who are going through what you’re going through right now. I have, so I’m here. I’ll always answer the phone.’

He went on to say that Downey’s kindness has inspired him to lend the same helping hand to those who are newer in the MCU.

‘I feel completely empowered to pay it forward with Tom Holland or Chadwick Boseman. I’m not saying that I’m senior to them, other than I got that experience of opening a movie with Marvel and being along for the ride. Now I just really feel compelled to offer them, even if it’s a fraction of what Downey was able to offer me, and just say, ‘Anything you need, you let me know.’

Not that we needed another reason to adore Downey, but we’ve got it now. His kindness and compassion for the Avengers translates as well off set as it does on screen.

It doesn’t stop there, either. He spreads kindness and generosity as often as possible. Working with charities and even founding his own organization to raise funds for some pretty worthy causes.

Our favorite heroes are ones who can embrace the role when the cameras are on but more importantly when they’re off. He embodies that.

Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters on April 27th.