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Check Out the ‘Arrow’ Promo for “Beacon of Hope”

The Bug-Eyed Bandit is back to cause some trouble for Felicity.

Brie Larvan (Emily Kinney) will be making her Arrow debut as she breaks out of jail and sets her sights on the micro-chip Felicity currently has implanted in her spine, swarming Palmer Technology to try to find it. When Oliver realizes that Felicity, Donna, and Thea are trapped inside, the team does all they can to get to them. From the look of the promo, Team Arrow might be letting someone new into the lair to get the help they need.

All of this happening after seeing Felicity heartbreakingly leave the team and seeing Oliver and Felicity break up in this week’s episode.

Check out the “Beacon of Hope” promo below.

Arrow‘s “Beacon of Hope” airs Wednesday, March 30 at 8 p.m. on The CW.

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