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Chadwick Boseman talks Upcoming Films with Jimmy Kimmel

Chadwick Boseman is currently starring in three of the most highly anticipated films of 2017 & 2018, playing a superhero in two and the Supreme Court’s first African-American justice the other, and flying from his film set to late night talk shows and getting right back to work, needless to say – he’s a very busy guy.

However, he made it to Jimmy Kimmel’s late night show on June 21st to talk a bit about the projects he’s been working on so hard and, to a degree, what we can expect from them. He joked with Kimmel that the people behind the scenes on Marvel films are like the CIA when he was answering (or not answering) questions about Avengers: Infinity War.

‘But you’re shooting two Avengers movies there?’

‘Eeeeh I’m shooting one. I’m shooting one.’

‘Oh that’s an interesting statement, aren’t they shooting two?’

‘They’re like the CIA, so I gotta say I’m just shooting one.’

‘Oh, I see, but so you are actually shooting two.’

*shakes his head* ‘Nope, nope…I’m just shooting one.’

The jokes between the pair were incredible, Chadwick says they get trained for these types of interviews, and it makes sense. Chadwick is playing one of the biggest roles in film right now and Avengers: Infinity War is one of the most anticipated movies of our time. If any of the information got leaked or one word was said that alluded to a part of the plot, it would spread like wildfire.

That proves true as he said he had to cut his phone off after the Black Panther trailer aired, he was getting non-stop calls and texts, it was too much stimulation. When Jimmy asked if he got back to everyone, he said some of them. We can imagine that when you’re cast in a role like that, a lot of people from your past would come back around, maybe not always for the right reasons.

On a lighter note, he talked about taking his parents to a film set, one of those films was 42 and his dad did something that made Chadwick, Jimmy, the audience, and all of us at home laugh. He stood by the director during filming where Chadwick was on the bases and had to toss himself over and around. His dad was growing frustrated after so many takes because he was scared that Chadwick would hurt himself.

He said the director ended up calling it for the day because his dad didn’t want him to get hurt. What a good guy!

Before he left, he spoke about his other new film, Marshall, where he plays Thurgood Marshall. Jimmy asked if he liked taking on roles of real people since he’s done a bit of that in his acting history. He said he actually wasn’t going to take on any other roles like that until he read the script for Marshall. He also said the big difference between playing people vs characters is that when you play a real person, you’re responsible for them, it’s a different weight on your shoulders.

Are you excited about seeing Black Panther? Will you also see Marshall when it hits theaters later this year? Let us know.

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