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Better Call Saul “Piñata” Preview

Coming off what could possibly be the best episode of the season, “Quite A Ride”, Better Call Saul is back tonight as we start the back half of the season. It’s always such a bummer when a show that is churning out such high-quality episodes starts building for the season finale, but we still have five full episodes left before we have to say good-bye for the year. The good news is that Better Call Saul season five has already been greenlit which means that AMC is super confident in what’s happening here and that the season finale must be so incredibly mind-blowing that they had no choice but to bring it back to see what happens next. Either way, I’m just happy knowing that I don’t have to stress about the season pick up. As we begin these last five episodes of season four I’m gearing myself up for heartache in all it’s glorious splendor which means we should strap ourselves in and get ready for master storytellers to emotionally destroy us with their stories.

I really believe that we have not seen the last of Saul Goodman from the Breaking Bad era and while I don’t think we’ll see more of him tonight (rumor is there will be a Kim and Jimmy flashback though) I do believe that we could start building to that mystery phone call in November. My heart wants to believe that Jimmy gave Francesca Kim’s business card, but Francesca knows Kim which puts that into doubt. Don’t get me wrong, I want to believe that Kim survives Better Call Saul, I really, really do but I’m still not entirely sure. I suspect that business card belonged to Howard and how he might owe Jimmy a favor. Maybe because he feels responsible for Chuck’s death and I wouldn’t put it past Jimmy to exploit that. Patrick Fabian gave a hell of a performance as the usually well put together Howard starts to unravel and I’m curious to see if he will become an addition to the Breaking Bad timeline.

Jimmy though needs to kind of settle himself down a bit. After his burner phone scam kind of blew up in his face, I think Jimmy is focusing on getting himself clear so he can open his practice back up with Kim. The only thing though, we don’t know if that’s what Kim wants. I love that she’s being a public defender to make a difference but it also seems pretty evident that she’s allowing that to sabotage her deal with Mesa Verde. I get that Kim doesn’t feel the passion for helping the rich get richer, but I do worry about the way she’s handling this career move. This is something that could totally blow up in her face.

Speaking of faces blowing up, Gus Fring (see what I did there?) might have found the person to build his super meth lab which means it’s probably time for Mike’s next job. I said a couple of weeks ago that I suspected that next gig would be killing Nacho but I’m starting to think he’s safe… for now. Gus is focusing on building his empire on the down low and I think that Nacho still has a part to play. I’ll be curious to what his next move is now that he’s established Gale and the superlab. With the Salamanca Twins in hiding waiting for the heat to die down one would think that the board is pretty open right now for Gus to make a move and strong arm his way into dominance.

There you have it Geeklings, a brand new episode of Better Call Saul is on tonight. What do you think is going to happen? Can Jimmy keep his nose out of trouble? Is Kim going about her decision the right way? What’s is Gus going to do next? Sound off in the comments. If you’d like to talk more Saul with yours truly then you can find me on the Twitter @iamgeek32. I’ll be there tonight Tweeting during the episode so don’t be afraid to hit me up. See you all tomorrow for the episode review. Don’t forget, it’s all good man!


Images and trailer from AMC