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Aquaman 2: Warner Bros Can’t Fire Amber Heard Due to Contract, Despite Over 1.5 Million Signatures to Petition

Amid these controversial developments between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, fans are petitioning to have Amber Heard fired from Aquaman 2. However, Heard issued a statement that she’s not going anywhere, even though Warner Bros remains silent on her status. Much of the public believes that Warner Bros may be afraid of the public backlash of letting Heard go.  However, according to Screenrant, it’s actually Heard’s contract that prevents Warner Bros from letting her go.

This all stems from a lawsuit involving Heard, Johnny Depp, and a tabloid. Despite all of the evidence against Heard in her case with Depp, the UK court ruled in her favor. This was a terrible look for Depp, which puts a label on him as an allegedly abusive spouse (again, despite most of the evidence).

Warner Bros then announced that they would be recasting Grindelwald in the Fantastic Beasts film series without any announcement about Heard’s participation in Aquaman 2. Heard issued a statement that she will reprise her role as Mera in Aquaman 2. Heard said to EW:

“I’m super excited about the amount of fan love and the amount of fan appreciation that Aquaman has acquired and that it has garnered so much excitement for Aquaman and Mera that it means we’ll be coming back. I’m so excited to film that.”

Heard continued, “Paid rumors and paid campaigns on social media don’t dictate [casting decisions] because they have no basis in reality. Only the fans actually made Aquaman and Aquaman 2 happen. I’m excited to get started next year.”

Yet, Warner Bros continued to remain silent when it came to Heard’s status. According to Geekosity’s Mikey Sutton, “he answer is the same now as it was then: there are no plans to have Heard fired. Whether Warner Bros. eventually is scared off from the Twitter attacks on Heard and lets her go is unknown. But what I’ve been told is quite the opposite.”

“Warner Bros. removing an actress who was the victim of spousal abuse will create even worse PR, executives fear, despite what she is also being accused of,” says Sutton.

However, that may be part of the reason, but the majority of the reason is that Heard’s contract with Warner Bros makes it almost impossible for them to let her go. Here’s what Screenrant said:

“Typically it is impossible for a studio to break their contract with an actor unless criminal charges have been filed against them. While the court of public opinion may have found Heard guilty of being abusive toward her former husband, the teaming masses have no power in an American civil or criminal court. Likewise, the studio cannot ask Heard to step down as they did Depp, as there has been no civil judgement against her.”

Screenrant continued, “This could change if Depp wins his civil suit against Heard and proves to the satisfaction of an American court that she lied about him abusing her or that she painted his acts of self-defense as abuse.”

The internet is extremely vocal and demanding that she also resign. In fact, a petition has now reached nearly one and a half million signatures. But it’s starting to appear that it will have little impact on whether or not Heard is kept as Mera.

What are your thoughts on all of the news with Heard and Depp? Let us know in the comments below!

Meanwhile, take a look at the petition to fire Heard and read why they’re doing it.

Aquaman 2: Warner Bros Can't Fire Amber Heard Due to Contract, Despite Over 1.5 Million Signatures to Petition

Here’s what the person who posted the petition is saying:

Amber Heard has been exposed as a domestic abuser by Johnny Depp. In his $50 million lawsuit, Johnny Depp describes many incidents of domestic abuse that he suffered at the hands of his (then) wife Amber Heard, including one incident where she punched him twice in the face and another where she shattered his finger with a vodka bottle, and his finger had to be surgically reattached. He will bear the scar from that for the rest of his life.

Also, Amber Heard was arrested in 2009 for abusing a former domestic partner, Tasya Van Ree, demonstrating a repeated pattern of abuse by Amber Heard.

Since Heard’s divorce from Johnny Depp, she has systematically crusaded to ruin Depp in Hollywood, repeating multiple accounts of fake incidents in which she had actually abused Johnny Depp, but lied and created false accounts of him being the abuser. About the incident during which she shattered the bones in Johnny Depp’s finger and nearly severed it, causing Depp to require surgery to reattach and repair it, Heard presented a false story claiming that he cut off his finger himself, dipped it in paint and scrawled obscenities all over the walls.

Likewise, Heard recounts fabricated incidents of Johnny Depp hitting her in the face when she had, in fact, punched him. Though staff and neighbors in the building where she lived reported seeing no marks on her face in the hours and days after she says Johnny Depp hit her, yet she appeared in court six (6) days later with bruises on her face, asking for a temporary restraining order, which was granted. Photos of Heard from the very next day show her full face, without makeup, and not a single bruise.

As Amber Heard is a known and proven domestic abuser, Warner Brothers and DC Entertainment should and must remove Heard from their Aquaman 2 film project. They must not ignore the suffering of Heard’s victims, and must not glamorize a domestic abuser.

Men are victims of domestic abuse, just like women. This must be recognized, and action must be taken to prevent a known abuser from being celebrated within the entertainment industry.

Do the right thing. Remove Amber Heard from Aquaman 2.

There’s a lot of upheaval on the internet too. Here’s a few select tweets from fans of Depp!

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