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11 of Eleven’s Best ‘Stranger Things’ Moments Ft. All the Eggo’s

As a fan of pop culture (and a clicker of this article) you’re probably familiar with a little Netflix series called Stranger Things:

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The cast is full of amazing young actors, but it’s safe to say that there was definitely one standout in the series, Eleven:

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She was played by the adorably talented (and Emmy Award nominee) Millie Bobby Brown who is turning 14 today!

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So, to celebrate Millie’s birthday we thought that we would take a look back at some of our favorite Eleven, El, and Jane Hopper moments from the first two seasons of Stranger Things!

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Let’s go!

When Eleven escapes the lab:

Not even the walls of Hawkins Lab could keep El inside. When she sets her mind to something, most likely it’s getting accomplished. Her escape set so many things in motion and showed that she was not going to be a lab rat anymore.

When she saves Mike and the Gang:

Mike was willing to jump off a cliff for his friends, but Eleven was having none of that. She lifts him from the air offscreen and promptly knocks the bullies to the ground, breaking one of their arms. Long story short – you do not mess with El’s friends and her heroic act solidifies her place in the Party as well.

The Eggo Scene

Eleven stealing the Eggos in Season 1 is by far one of the best scenes of the series. Her love of Eggos has always been an endearing quality and watching her straight up steal them and walk out like a complete boss was iconic.

When she put Mike’s bully in his place:

Like we said before, no one messes with El’s friends.

El and Mike’s first kiss:

How cute are these two? We’d watched their friendship blossom over the season and to see it culminate in this adorable and innocent kiss was absolutely perfect.

When she took out the Demogorgon in Season 1:

El didn’t waste a second stepping up and helping the town of Hawkins and her new friends when it came to the havoc being wreaked around them. She took on that Demogorgon, and presumably sacrificed herself, without even flinching.

And closed the gate in season 2:

It took everything that El had in her to close the gate in Season 2, but she did and she upped the ante by actually floating in the air while using her powers. Add in her new look and it’s safe to say that this was by far Eleven’s most badass moment of the series.

The car flip:

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We knew that El was powerful, but it didn’t really quite sink in until she flipped the van chasing after her and her friends with her mind and with ease. After that, it was clear that El was capable of so much more than we knew, and we couldn’t wait to dive in.

The Reunion:

The Duffer Bros. made us wait for this one, but man was it worth it. After a season of eagerly waiting for Mike and El to be reunited, we were treated with one of the most heartfelt and awesome sequences of the season. Watching El in all of her new style glory walk in and face all of the people she loved was the perfect way to kick the end of the season into motion.

The Snow Ball:

I’ve been to my fair share of middle school dances and let me just say that none of them were quite as adorable as this. After everything El and Mike and the gang had been through, the Snow Ball was a perfect breath of fresh air and it allowed Mike and El to finally have their moment.

Any time she says bitchin’:

Out of all the catchphrases you’d expect to come out of a show like Stranger Things, “bitchin'” is by far the unsung hero.

And literally any scene of her and Hop:

Of all of the relationships/friendships to happen or still to happen on Stranger Things, I don’t think any will be as important as Hop and Eleven, or Jim and Jane Hopper. The two shared some of the most touching scenes of the season and their father-daughter dynamic was exactly what they both needed. If anything ever happens to Hopper we will not be okay and don’t even want to think about what El would do.

What are your favorite Eleven moments from Stranger Things! And of course, Happy Birthday to Millie Bobby Brown!

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