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“The Revengers” Assemble (or Not) in the New ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Promo

Revengers Assemble!

A new teaser for Thor: Ragnarok premiered during Thursday night’s NFL season opener and in it, we see Thor putting together his own team of superheroes.  His main problem, however?  Coming up with a kick ass, original team name.

The 45-second clip supercuts incredible action footage from the film including some detailed shots of what looks like totally awesome gladiator battles with some hilarious dialogue.  The action clips are mixed with a scene where a Thor (played by Chris Hemsworth) is attempting to recruit Valkyrie (played by Tessa Thompson) to join his team.

“I’m putting together a team,” he says to her, perhaps not expecting her responding question.  Valkyrie replies, “This team of yours, has it got a name?”

Caught off guard, Thor looks at Bruce Banner (played by Mark Ruffalo) with a slightly panicked look before responding, “Yeah, it’s called the, a, Re…. Revengers.”

This response is clearly not impressive to Valkyrie which leaves Thor retracting his response with a timid response saying, “Well, I mean, we don’t have to have a name. We could have no name.”

Check out the clip below:

This film looks so good and this short teaser offers a glimpse into what’s sure to be action-packed but perfectly offset with Hemsworth’s impeccable comedic timing.  We can’t wait for this one!

Thor: Ragnarok hits theaters on November 3rd!  Are you excited!