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We Might Get a Superman Cameo in ‘Shazam!’ After All!

Things have been a little crazy at the Warner Bros. front, which is okay as they are searching of their way of doing things and it usually takes time to come up with a plan. Last month we got the news that Henry Cavill would not be putting the Superman suit on anymore after a cryptic message of Warner Bros. Henry Cavill was quick to reply the same day, throwing us all off with the little video that he made. Then, last week we saw the official news that Warner Bros. will not be continuing with Henry Cavill‘s Superman.

The Nerd Rage Podcast has put a statement on their Twitter page saying that they heard that Henry Cavill would suit up on once more for the last time as a ‘contractual obligation.’ See the Tweet below:

If we’re lucky, this source of information will correct, and we’ll maybe see Superman return, firstly in the Shazam movie, and perhaps in a new upcoming film in the future. This scene would make me and many others their nerdy heart jump in joy, to see a Superman standing in front of a Captain Marvel/Shazam.

Other things we would love to see is Black Adam (portrayed by Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson) face to face with Zachary Levi‘s Shazam. There is no way in knowing which of these things will get used in the film,  but it’s still close to six months away, which means we’ll have to be patient for the movie to come out.

What do you think of Superman possibly appearing in a post credit scene in Shazam? Let us know in the comments below.

Shazam will hit theaters on April 5, 2019.