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SDCC: Norman Reedus Nearly ‘Tears up’ at The Walking Dead Panel

Sometimes, as fans of a series, it’s easy to believe that the emotional connection you have with a show is different than that of the cast and crew. They know what goes on behind the scenes and they enjoy what they do but at the end of the day – it’s a job. Sometimes you almost expect it to get a little bit lost in translation.

However, with The Walking Dead, the emotional connection is the same whether you’re Norman Reedus or a fan who watches every Sunday from your sofa. The cast brings parts of themselves to the characters that they play and they understand that the fans have built a lifelong connection with them as characters and as themselves.

So when the cast members get emotional about the series, it’s because of the big family that we’ve all turned into. It’s because the series has brought new experiences to the cast and crew and to the fans, and because we see these guys (and gals) multiple times a year at conventions – and we remember one another.

Today, at San Diego Comic Con’s The Walking Dead panel, Norman Reedus got a bit emotional about the series and what it means to all of them.

I’m sitting here and I’m listening to these questions and everything else and getting wrapped up in all this stuff and looking at that retrospective over here, I’m almost tearing up. I’ve gotta say, this has been such a good experience for all of us and we’ve always had each other’s back and had your back and you guys have our backs and it’s been fantastic. It still is fantastic.

It really is fantastic, being part of this experience and getting to see the hard work and dedication that each and every cast member put into The Walking Dead. Their contributions don’t just promise a good episode now, but a future for a series that transformed ‘zombie culture’ in the pop-culture realm.

What is the moment in the series’ history so far that makes you tear up? Or is it a collection of them? For us, it’s all of it, and it looks to be that way for the cast as well.