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How does Chris Evans get his ‘Captain America’ body?

Captain America is known as a bad ass fighting machine. But after being frozen for 70 years, he needed to bulk up and get in shape. So how does a mere mortal build a sexy bod worthy of fighting crime alongside Thor and the Hulk?

“The preparation for Captain America was really about me bulking up
looks wise, so it was a lot of weight training so I could get big. The training regimen was based on heavyweight/low-rep sets of the classic compound lifts. I did stuff like squats, deadlifts, shoulder press, incline bench presses, weighted dips, and chin-ups.”- Chris Evans (Captain America)

He would spend hours a day at the gym, six days a week!

“It’s a very balanced workout, hitting every single muscle—I think even my toes got bigger. We would take two muscle groups, whether it was chest and back or biceps and triceps and we would just destroy those muscles, literally, destroy them for just over two hours. Then we’d cool down with core and abs…I’d also work with a lot of different angles and grips. For example, for chest I’d do close- grip incline press, incline bench flyes, and incline press-ups. And then I’d do kneeling shoulder-press sometimes, to incorporate more abs… Monday to Friday we’d hit the different parts of the body. On Saturday, it would be my rest day and then on Sunday, if there was something that needed extra work or wasn’t feeling particularly fatigued, I’d hit that too.”- Evans.

But as we all know, repetition is boring.

“I did some gymnastic classes, which were a lot of fun. I got to use acrobatics more, so he’s flipping off things and spinning and

jumping and using his environment. I also did some plyometrics, stuff like squat-to-box-jumps. The aim was to keep my heart rate high throughout the workouts, and that helped with my general fitness and
especially during filming when [we] had long days and was running around or doing fight scenes.” – Evans.

Another crucial factor to getting a sexy crime- fighting bod is diet. After all, you are what you eat.

“The equation is around 2 grams protein per kilogram of body weight and that’s achieved with a bunch of chicken. But then I’d also consume other sources of lean protein and some protein shakes through the day. But the eating is the thing I like the least, because I’d feel full all the time.”- Evans.

So what does he eat?

“I’d eat porridge, walnuts, raisins, low-fat Greek yogurt, a scoop of
protein and maybe sliced banana for breakfast, which is generally an hour or two before I work out. Then through the day I’d eat a lot of things with a good protein source, lots of fish and meat… Then I’d eat
salad with the protein source, lots and lots of salad, lots of dark green,
leafy vegetables, and then also a handful of almonds here and there. It was basically a high-protein diet, but then balanced with vegetables and fruits and some complex carbs, things like brown rice and
porridge… Supplement-wise I used a bit of glutamine, whey protein shakes, branched-chain amino acids, then 500mg supplements of Omega-3,

Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids every single meal to make sure that my joints were functioning well—I needed it because the working out was so intensive, especially with things like the gymnastics.”- Evans.

It doesn’t hurt that there’s a lot of pressure to portray a childhood hero. Millions has idolized the captain and Evans knows he has to live up to that.

“As Captain America, I’ve stepped it up a notch. He moves so fast and he kicks ass in this film and it makes sense because this isn’t just the
guy who’s been given the ability of speed and power, he’s been training, he’s been training hard. Captain America’s got the frame of mind to absorb this information, so you can only assume with training and his ability, the guy should really be dangerous—and he puts that to use in this movie… We really wanted to show his ability in this one, it wasn’t just, ‘Make him like Jason Bourne,’ you know?
If Jason Bourne can do it, Cap should just be eating up these things. So we had a bit of fun turning up his power, turning up his speed, cranking those things up a notch. So in this movie[Winter Soldier] the fights are a lot more grisly and impactful, and in my opinion, way cooler.” – Evans.

Phew! His routine makes me tired just writing about it. While it is a grueling process, it is rewarding. Just look at him!

So there you have it, Chris Evans owes his gorgeous Captain America body to a strict workout and diet plan.


Would you follow his routine to get a sexy bod like Captain America?

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