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Hear Hans Zimmer’s ‘Supermarine’ from the ‘Dunkirk’ Soundtrack

The countdown to Christoper Nolan’s Dunkirk is finally dwindling down and we’re days away from the premiere of one of the most talked about films of the decade. Nolan is a modern day film genius and the way he’s planning on telling one of the most vulnerable, frightening, and seemingly hopeless situations in World War II. The Battle of Dunkirk was declared a ‘miracle of deliverance’ by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

Nolan plans to tell the story from three perspectives; land, sea, and air. There will be soldiers fighting on each facet, showing separate struggles, victories, moments of hope, and moments of hopelessness. The film was shot almost exclusively (over 75%) with Imax’s high-resolution film cameras. Some theaters will even show the film in 70MM engagements for lucky viewers.

Another thing about Dunkirk is its incredible soundtrack from Hans Zimmer which EW got an exclusive sneak peek of.

The just over 8-minute song titled ‘Supermarine’ is likely a nod to The Supermarine Spitfire which was the premiere British fighter plane of WWII. The fighter pilot to watch in Dunkirk is played by none other than Tom Hardy and every glimpse of him we’ve seen so far is intense.

It’s not just Tom Hardy that’s intense, every actor in the film knows what a huge story they’re telling and how much the film means to Nolan, so they’re taking it very seriously. We can’t wait to hear the soundtrack in its entirety and to see the film this July.

Dunkirk is set to debut on July 21st and tickets are available now.