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Deadpool Producer Speaks on the X-Force Movie

With the success of Deadpool in the box office, i twill only be a matter of time for another movie taking a chance on a R-rated superhero movie.

If it depends on screenwriter/producer, Simon Kinberg, who sat down with Collider and said that the next R-rated movie, could be X-Force.

“I think there are some stories that could be R-rated. I don’t know what they are; I mean I think the mainline X-Men movies have their own tone, which is a more operatic tone. It’s more dramatic; it is more PG-13 in a way. X-Force I could see being R-rated, and who knows? I’m saying I could imagine a universe in which X-Force is R-rated.”

We already know we can’t wait for this movie to happen! Deadpool is playing in your theatres now.



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