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Daniel Radcliffe and Elijah Wood Are Basically The Same Person

There are lots of doppelgangers out there in the universe and many of them are in the Hollywood public eye.  Lucy Hale and Selena Gomez.  America Ferrera and Jordin Sparks.  Stephen Colbert and Bob Saget.  Natalie Portman and Keira Knightley.  All of these celebs have similar features and could potentially be mistaken for the other.  Now, however, there is a new celeb doppelganger pair that is circulating around the internet and freaking people out!

Daniel Raddcliffe (Harry Potter) and Elijah Wood (Lord of the Rings) certainly have a lot in common. Both started out as child actors.  Both starred in epically popular fantasy franchises.  And, both have similar appearances.  We just didn’t know how similar until the below GIF surfaced and began taking the internet by storm.

The similar appearances between of the two actors has been a topic of conversation for years.  Radcliffe has even said in interview that he is often mistaken for Elijah Wood.


With their striking similarities being a hot topic of conversation on the internet lately, could this lead to a potential project together?  We can only hope!!

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