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‘BOSCH’: Season 4 Timeline

When Bosch returned to us for season 3, approximately 16 months had passed since our last Harry sighting. But it sounds like the new season will pick up quite a bit sooner than that.

[Spoiler alert for those who have not yet watched Bosch season 3]

Heroic detective Jerry Edgar was shot by sniper Xavi Moreno while leaving his house in season 3. Thankfully, Edgar survived the nearly fatal gunshot wound. But how is he doing?

Jamie Hector who plays Edgar recently shared some videos on Instagram with makeup artist Gabriel De Cunto recreating the wound for season 4 filming.

Jamie then shared the final product in a photo of the wound on his back. While it certainly does not look fresh, it appears to still be fairly early along in the healing process. This made me curious as to how far along in time the story lands when Bosch season 4 picks up.

Of course, productions can play with time in the form of flashbacks and flashforwards making it difficult to guess. So, why not go straight to the source, the Bosch leading man himself, actor Titus Welliver?

Titus was very kind to respond to my inquiry sharing that the story would pick up “a few months” after the story left off at the end of season 3.

Actor Welliver has a wonderful reputation for sharing fun filming tidbits with fans about locations and more. We certainly do not expect that he can respond to every inquiry but always appreciate his input!

For now, we can certainly celebrate the fact that Jerry Edgar seems to be recuperating well. But as far as his working relationship and friendship with Harry, we cannot be so certain. After all, we have learned that there is a new detective on set! Welcome Detective Snyder played by Winter Ave Zoli.

Stay tuned for ongoing coverage of the television version of our sometimes reluctant but very capable hero Harry Bosch.