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Gal Gadot was Pregnant During Wonder Woman Reshoots

Wonder Woman is easily one of the most heavily anticipated superhero movies of our time. Gal Gadot is a vision and the role of Wonder Woman seems to fit her like a glove. The trailer and peeks at the film that we’ve seen so far are incredible and have only made us more anxious for the film to be released.

One thing that some fans may not know is that when Gal Gadot was called upon to film reshoots, she was 5 months pregnant. That didn’t stop her from absolutely killing it as Wonder Woman and thanks to her passion and drive for the character and some special effects – the reshoots were successful. This seems like a normal enough thing, actresses get pregnant and have to reshoot all the time, but rarely are they playing roles such as a female superhero.

Entertainment Weekly found out how those reshoots happened and Gal laughed about the behind the scenes techniques herself. EW learned that costumers cut a triangle from the front of her suit, and replaced it with a bright green cloth.  That way, the special effects department could alter her figure in post-production.

On close-up, I looked very much like Wonder Woman,” Gadot says. “On wide shots, I looked very funny, like Wonder Woman pregnant with Kermit the Frog.”

Patty Jenkins, director, was in awe of Gal during reshoots, and the entire process in general.

She’s pregnant during part of the movie, in a suit out in a field in the freezing cold in others. There are so many things we asked her to do: Now do it on one foot. Now shout while you’re doing it. Now it’s raining in the freezing cold and you’ve lost your voice, go. Every day it was a hilarious gauntlet and she would do it.”

Chuck Roven had this to say about Gal.

Part of what we were doing was augmenting some of the final action piece. She couldn’t do a huge amount of physical activity but she was being aggressive. She still had to be fierce. That was special. I’ve been doing this for awhile but I’ve never that had that experience before.

We’re more excited than ever to see Wonder Woman, especially now that we know how much the character of Wonder Woman means to Gal and the team that put the film together.

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