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Will X-Men Mutants Impact Marvel

The characters in Marvel cover a wide range of worlds, and throughout the decades, heroes have crossed over from one to another. Hulk and Wolverine traded blows, and Spider-Man made the odd appearance among the mutants; but can we ever expect to see this in the MCU?

In 2019, Disney acquired 20th Century Fox for $71.3 billion, allowing many superheroes that were previously prohibited to appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to return home. Now there’s a chance for the current Marvel Cinematic Universe to collide with the X-Men, but how difficult will it be to navigate and is it worth the risk?

Since the early 2000s, the X-Men have been one of Marvel’s most popular characters, with their own films released in the early 2000s before Robert Downey Jr. brought Iron Man to life on the big screen. They had a trilogy in the beginning (2000), as well as several Wolverine movies — some fantastic (Logan) and

That is, until we heard the voice of Patrick Stewart in the trailer for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

Fans are curious about how the remaining mutants would be introduced to the MCU, will they start from scratch or utilize existing characters and actors?

Some individuals desire to see a gradual introduction of the X-Men, hoping to eke it out over several phases for Marvel.

There have also been several comments that the X-Men and Avengers’ multiverses should remain separate, as combining them would be difficult and might not satisfy all die-hard fans.

The Reddit user believes strongly that the mutants’ symbolism of real-world persecuted minorities battling prejudice should be maintained, so it’s critical to phase them in gradually while they’re still telling these tales. They even came up with their own solutions.

Some people believe that, owing to Disney’s acquisition of the X-Men, we may see additional Marvel series with these characters in them, similar to how there have been MCU shows such as WandaVision and Loki.

This user offers a straightforward solution for the issue, which is to reverse what has already occurred in the comics.

Whatever happens, it is up to Marvel’s powers that be, and we’re sure they have some strategies in mind for how to integrate the X-Men into the Marvel Studios fold. It’s possible that we’ll find out whether there will be a crossover and if it will lay the groundwork for future MCU installments in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse

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