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Watch: The ‘Legends of Tomorrow’ Catch Boogie Fever!

Gloria Estefan warned us: Sooner or later, “the rhythm is going to get you”; and it looks like it just got The Legends of Tomorrow! In order to celebrate Monday’s groovy new episode “Here I Go Again”, Caitly Lotz posted a video of her and some of her fellow legends burning the Waverider down with their very own Disco Fever!

It’s hard to tell what I love most about this video. Is it Caity Lotz and Maisie Richardson-Sellers owning the show – as always – with their stylish dance moves? Is it Brandon Routh and Nick Zano providing funktastic backup? Or is it simply Brandon Routh’s wiggle? Who can say, but there is enough material in this video to make everyone feel the beat!

As I mentioned above, this video was taken during filming of the episode “Here I Go Again”, in which the Legends find themselves in the 1970’s while Zari finds herself trapped in a deadly time loop! What other cool moves do the Legends have in store for us? What cool moves will Zari need to break out in order to escape her fate and keep… “Staying Alive”? Find out on this week’s Legends of Tomorrow!