Fan Fest News

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This is How the Fans and Netflix saved Lucifer!

Guys, we officially did it! We saved Lucifer! It seemed that we were going through a very dark time for TV, as one of the most popular shows on Fox got canceled. TVLine reported that Netflix is officially saving Lucifer from Fox’ hands! The show got canceled last month which left many fans with a broken heart.

When fans want to save something, make sure you believe it’ll happen because the fans of Lucifer were such a big part of this decision. You could see it in Tom Ellis his social media posts, which he had a lot of faith in the fact that the show is more loved than Fox expected. He kept up a sliver of hope that the show would get a new home. Here is what he said when the news just hit the internet a month ago to TVLine:


“I don’t want to promise anything for anybody, because there are so many things that have to align for things to happen. But I didn’t have hope, and I do have hope now. And as long as there is hope, I will keep fighting. Because I think that’s what our fans want us to do.”

Two extra episodes and many, many Tweets with the hashtag #SaveLucifer hits the internet. Now, however, it’s time for a new hashtag!

There’s no news of when season 4 will hit Netflix yet, but we hope it’s very soon!


What do you think of Lucifer finding a home at Netflix? Let us know in the comments below.