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‘Supergirl’ Preview ‘Suspicious Minds’

Supergirl Preview ‘Suspicious Minds’

Following the arrest of Agent Liberty, AKA Sam Lockwood, Supergirl was dismissed from the DEO when she refused to reveal her true identity to the president and Colonel Haley. As we return from the winter hiatus, Kara and company are going to be working extra hard to keep her identity a secret from them, and based on the trailer, Haley will stop at nothing to find the truth. Despite being let go, Kara will continue to fight as Supergirl. Nothing will get in her way of doing what is right for her city. It seems like all of this will be putting Alex in danger, as there’s a line in the trailer from Kara saying that the reason she became Supergirl in the first place was to save her sister. Could we possibly be looking at a season finale where Kara loses Alex? That would certainly change the whole show, and I really hope that that doesn’t happen. We’ve lost too many sisters in the Arrowverse.

Also featured in the trailer is Brainy helping Nia realize that she could be a hero. Over dinner, he discuses the possibility of her joining him and his friends. Then, she s presented with her own super suit. We’ve known coming into the season that this was going to happen and that Supergirl would help the fledgling hero learn the ropes. Now that Kara is out of the DEO, this does free up some time, I guess. But this will only put Nia in more danger since the DEO has put a target on Supergirl’s back (hopefully that doesn’t result in them wanting to kill her).