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‘Braindead’ Recap ‘Notes Toward A Post-reagan Theory Of Party Alliance, Tribalisim, And Loyalty: Past As Prologue’

Laurel has bugs??? Holy crap! That’s not supposed to happen to the main character!

She calls 911 but the operator is infected. Gustav and Rochelle come to warn her. Since the bugs have already gotten in, they try to keep her occupied by making her think. But the bugs went in the left ear so they try to use the right side of the brain to battle the bugs: dancing and alcohol and sex

Gareth calls her and gets suspicious so he goes to check on her… Just when she needs a burst of dopamine. He gladly helps out and the bugs are gone.

Rochelle and Gustav catch a bug and begin examining it. Gustav begins to think the bugs are not earthly.

The next day, both Laurel and Gareth are confused and embarrassed about the previous night’s events. So she goes to visit him and runs into Red instead. He basically tells her she needs to go back to LA… what a jerk.

Gareth and Laurel eventually talk about the night before and he tells her that he wants a normal relationship, but needs time to think. He needs time because she yelled “go faster!” as she ate chocolate and salami bed… we understand Gareth, we understand.

Gustav and Rochelle give the CDC the bug sample just as Red shuts down the budget for that branch of research.

Gareth comes to his senses and asks Laurel out for drinks.

Later that night Laurel goes out with Stacy to try to get the bugs out of her head and that plan fails miserably. The bugs get creepy and tell Laurel that Stacy is gone and they want EVERYTHING.

At the CDC hearing, Red is making his case as to why he wants to cut their funding. Ella declares that the government gives the CDC more money to win the war on death.

Meanwhile, Rochelle is listening to a “Music of the Spheres” podcast and it sounds very similar to “You Might Think” by the The Cars. BumBumBummm this explains why we always hear that song! She goes to tell Laurel.

Laurel goes out with Gareth and tells him she thinks bugs are eating people’s brains and turning them stupid… Hopefully that doesn’t scare him off.

Infected: Laurel

Cured: Laurel

I guess I’ll see you on Sundays now folks. Have a great, bug free week!

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