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Shane Black is Doing Predator the Right Way

Little to nothing is know
about the upcoming addition the the
Predator franchise other than the title
“The Predator”

films tend to be a little boring and super redundant, Black said he
wouldn’t do
the movie unless
it could be a fantastic reinvention of the franchise. Until a
interview with
there had been very
little said about the movie. Black elaborated a little
on his vision for the

I said, “Look. You guys at Fox, I mean, I enjoy these

movies, but we’ve been churning out
these AVP whatever, they each cost a
certain amount of money, they’re okay,
but there’s no effort to
elevate them
or make them any kind of an event.” They’re just sort of
another Predator. “Oh,
another one that came out.” They said, “What if we said to you we want
reinvent this, and really treat it
with as much of an event status, or as
much hoopla as we would the Alien
prequel, which is coming out also?
We really
want to make this something. The kind of movie that people line up
for.” I said,
you’ll spend a bunch of money?” They go, “Yep.” I go, “Make it really

scale, spectacle?” “Yep.” “Shit, that
sounds interesting.”

think the first one was great, and it
was contained, and it was a
perfect little
gem for what it was. I think there’s an expansion that needs
to take place, and
also just
a love for that era, that movie, and the mythology of the Predator. I
that they came to me knowing
pretty much that… they said, basically, if
I wanted to make Predator but
treat it like it was Iron Man III
instead of just
another little movie. I said, “Let’s really do it right

confidence like that the wait for a new Predator seems
completely worth it!
We only have to wait until.

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