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Outlander Preview: 5 Outstanding Debts To Be Paid In “All Debts Paid”

Outlander episode titles are often rife with double meanings. Last week’s episode, “Surrender,” dealt with the physical and emotional surrenders that Claire and Jamie must make while they are apart from one another. The season premiere, “The Battle Joined,” also looked at physical and emotional battles and the causalities that come with both. It’s therefore a pretty safe bet that this week’s episode isn’t just going to be about paying back financial obligations. Here’s a look at five outstanding debts for which their holders are going to want immediate repayment.

1) Fergus’s hand. Jamie was plenty angry about Fergus’s maiming at the hands of the British (pardon the pun), but we’re willing to wager that it’s going to be Fergus who takes matters into his own remaining hand. (Ok, that one was intentional.) The boy is quickly becoming a man, and he’s already seen real battle at Prestonpans. He may listen to Jamie’s cautions for a while longer, but there’s no way he’ll pass up a chance at revenge forever.

2) John Grey’s debt of honor. Years ago now, Jamie spared the life of a young nobleman by the name of John William Grey. It was this action that saved Jamie’s life after the Battle of Culloden. John’s elder brother chose to spare Jamie in order to pay back his brother’s debt of honor. He sent Jamie to Lallybroch, and it seemed like that was all tied up nicely. However, the episode preview tells us that John Grey has grown up and assumed his title of Lord. Lord Grey is now the governor of the very prison where Jamie is residing after his surrender to the Redcoats. The question here is, does he view his debt as paid by his brother or are the accounts still out of balance when it comes to Red Jamie?

3) Jamie’s debt to society. Yes, we know Jamie doesn’t deserve to be in prison, but there he is. Based on the preview, he’s already been in prison for some time when the episode picks up. He’s the only man left in chains, but he’s become the unofficial spokesman for all the other prisoners. (Leave it to Jamie to organize prisoners into a union while serving an extended sentence. Lord Grey is undoubtedly in for some long conversations about fair treatment and the law.) Will this position of power grant him any power over Lord Grey? Or will Jamie’s pride once again get in the way of his freedom?

4) Claire’s debt to Frank. Hang with us on this one- we know it’s a hot topic. There are a ton of different motives at play between Claire and Frank. Frank took Claire back when she returned to the present, even after he found out about Jamie. Frank then took Claire to Boston so that she could have Jamie’s child without fear of shame, and Frank is trying his best to raise that child with Claire so that Brianna won’t grow up without a father. This all sounds rather heroic, but Frank isn’t in it for the good karma. He’s trying to get his Claire back: the one he married before her trip through the stones, and even before World War II tore them apart. That Claire doesn’t exist anymore, but that doesn’t stop Frank from chasing her ghost. If the situations were reversed, and it was Claire living with a stranger that looked exactly like Jamie, we all know she’d be doing the same thing. Claire doesn’t owe Frank anything, because that’s not how love works, but her presence in his life is a daily reminder to him of what he’s lost. He’s been a solid foundation for Claire to begin rebuilding her life upon, but he is still a human being and not yet made of stone. At some point, Claire owes him the right to find his own strength. Which brings us to our last debt.

5) Frank’s debt to himself. From what we’ve seen of Frank on the show (we’re not talking to you book readers with your other knowledges), he’s trying his best to live within society’s expectations of a Good Man. He could have left Claire in that Scottish hospital- pregnant, alone, and regarded as crazy. Instead, he took her home and put a safe roof over her and Brianna’s heads. The problem is, Frank isn’t as one-sided as societal norms. He can’t let go of his anger and betrayal over Claire’s other life, no matter how much he tries to force himself to. Claire has no problem smashing right through glass ceilings in her quest to find fulfillment, but Frank just can’t do the same. He’s stuck between his very human feelings and his need to fit within society’s pigeonholes. In this week’s preview, he tells Claire that he can’t keep up the charade of a happy marriage any longer. Could it be that Frank has finally decided which part of his heart to act upon? And what will that mean for Claire and Brianna?

Episode 303, “All Debts Paid,” airs on Starz on Sunday, September 24th at 9 pm Eastern/ 8 pm Central. Viewers can catch up on previous episodes anytime on or the mobile app. Check back here to each week for full episode recaps and previews of future episodes. Join the conversation below and let us know which debt you most want to see repaid.