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‘Mountains Between Us’ Trailer Features Zayn and Sia’s New Song ‘Dusk Till Dawn’

When we saw the first trailer for Mountains Between Us we were immediately intrigued by not just the plot of the film, but that the lead actor and actress are two of our favorites. Idris Elba and Kate Winslet absolutely shine in their respective roles as a surgeon and a journalist grounded due to bad weather.

The two take a charter plane together and experience the unthinkable – a plane crash. While they both survive the crash, the odds are stacked against them. Not only are the left to fend for themselves in the middle of aggressive weather patterns and wild animals, no one knew they were taking the charter plane, so they feel that someone finding them is out of the question. This leads them to do whatever it takes to get home, and in their vulnerability and fight for survival – they find solace in one another.

So it’s easy to see why we’re so excited to see the film.

Another thing that can build or break excitement for a film is the soundtrack. The songs chosen can either be the perfect additions or make you want to turn the channel so quickly you don’t even see the entire trailer, and let’s face it – if you can’t get through the trailer – you aren’t going to see the film.

So when Zayn tweeted the trailer for Mountains Between Us on his Twitter account recently with the hashtags #DuskTillDawn and #MountainsBetweenUs – we were excited. The single, featuring Sia alongside Zayn is incredible. It’s one of our favorite songs from Zayn so far in his solo career. When we heard it on the trailer, it made perfect sense, almost as if it were written for the film.

October 6th can’t come soon enough, and we can’t wait to be in theaters seeing this incredible film. Are you excited to see Mountains Between Us? Do you think Zayn’s new song fits with the trailer? Let us know.