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‘Arrow’ Character Spotlight: Felicity Smoak

Nyssa al Ghul: “I’m
Nyssa, daughter of Ra’s al Ghul. Heir
to the demon. ”
: “Felicity Smoak. M.I.T.
Class of


I can honestly, girl
scouts honor, say
that Felicity
Smoak is in my Top 3 favorite Television Characters of all time…
okay, I
admit it, she’s my number one

Felicity first ‘logged
in’ to the Arrow television
universe during the Season 1 episode
Lone Gunmen’. She worked as an I.T girl for Queen
Consolidated and
from the moment she
was introduced, she almost instantly became a fan favorite.
From her pencil
skirts to her quirky, sometimes
snarky attitude, Felicity really
is the complete package. As a child, her
mother worked as a cocktail
waitress in
Vegas, and her father left them when Felicity was at a very
young age. An M.I.T
Felicity is extremely technologically talented.

Prior to
‘Team Arrow’ Oliver made it a habit
to consistently bring Felicity
tasks to help him out with all the
technological mishaps that he and Diggle

could not complete for their ‘nightly duties’. (Of course, the entire time

Felicity had no
idea she was actually helping out the masked

One of
my favorite moments to this day
was when Oliver
presented Felicity with the laptop full of bullet


I’m having some trouble with my
computer and they
told me that you were the person to
come and see. I was at my
coffee shop surfing the web and I spilt a latte on





Felicity Smoak: ‘Cause these look like

My coffee shop
is in a bad

In the
The Odyssey’ Felicity discovered the truth about who Oliver

really was after he climbed into her
car in the Queen Consolidated parking
garage after a near death encounter
after facing off with The

From that moment forward, Felicity
became a key player
to Team
Arrow. With the help of Felicity, Team Arrow gained a lot of ground on

hundreds of criminals. She is pretty

Not only has she been able to
‘fry’ multiple villain’s
systems, she also assisted in the physical take-downs of several
major super
including, but not limited to, Slade Wilson (Deathstroke) and also The

In the Arrow episode ‘The
Secret Origin of Felicity
we got a glimpse of
Felicity’s past in
our very first Felicity-centric episode. In college,
cyber hacking was her
number one
hobby. She hacked into numerous government websites with her college

boyfriend, Cooper, and his roommate. She
even created a ‘super virus’ which
gave the ‘hacker’ unlimited access to
any computer or system that it
(Including restricted access computers)

was far from the
sweetheart Felicity that we now know today. ‘The Secret
Origin of
Felicity Smoak’
will always be
one of my favorite episodes,
because I love seeing how characters are
‘born’ and become the strong

characters that they are today. Sure, I’m willing to bet Felicity has some

regrets about her ‘hobbies’
that she participated in during college, but the
end result was clear.
Felicity Smoak grew to be one of the
strongest, most
intelligent women in the D.C Universe.

being a key member of Team Arrow, Felicity is now the CEO of Palmer

Technologies, after inheriting it from
Ray Palmer himself. Even though Felicity
has never served as a CEO, she
refuses to let that shatter her
confidence. So
far this current season, we have seen her fight for Palmer
Technologies as a
technological company, even giving a presentation in a wheelchair just a
weeks after a gun fight with
Damien Darhk’s G.H.O.S.T.S left her paralyzed!
Talk about a strong

Not only that, but
when her father attempted to come back into her
life, Felicity was not afraid to

stand up to him and help the Star City P.D put him behind bars for all of
crimes he had committed in
the past.

'Arrow' Character Spotlight: Felicity Smoak
Image: The CW

At the beginning of Season 3, it was made

clear that after years of
buildup, Oliver and Felicity clearly shared something
very special. Even
though he was ‘dating’ The
Huntress and Sara Lance, it was
clear that Felicity and Oliver always
maintained a very special


After spending 5 years on a ‘hell-ish’ Island, Oliver

returned to Starling City to
honor a promise he kept to his father. He returned
to Starling City and
began dropping bodies, allowing this
‘darkness’ to serve
in place of his emotions. When Felicity came into the
picture, she gradually

started to show him that Oliver did not have to always turn to darkness in
to defeat darkness.
Rather, sometimes doing good is what can concur the
evil in the


I can’t help but think
that the
reason that Darhk is winning is because I haven’t been willing to
go far enough
and if I was,
if I had, maybe you wouldn’t be in here right now. I don’t know
what the
point to what I’m doing as Green
Arrow is if I can’t protect the
people that are closest to me

Felicity Smoak: Well what’s the point of doing
if you lose yourself in
the process?

While she may not be physically
out on the streets
taking down
criminals with her fists of fury, Felicity Smoak plays a huge part
of Team
Arrow. She really is the heart of
the team, and she always has been. I
am hoping that in the future we see
some more ‘Felicity-centric
episodes’. I
love how her character has developed throughout the show, and
I think that Emily
Rickards does a phenomenal job at presenting this character.

Below is a
clip of one of my favorite Felicity moments.
I currently work in a
veterinarian hospital, and every time I
hear my fellow
animal care workers mention something about ‘coffee’ or if
one of my vets
makes a joke
to me about getting them a coffee, this moment instantly plays
through my


What are some of your favorite

Felicity moments?? 🙂

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